Sunlight With White Clouds

4 Parables and Practical Lessons about the Second Coming of Christ

Under traffic rules, the red in traffic light means stop, yellow means ready, and green means go. (Mark a start and finish line. Have the children line up at the beginning and turn off the lights) The children may move ahead when the teachers turn on the green light. When the red light comes on,…

People Sitting on Gang Chairs

How Multiple Intelligences Are for Christian Educators

Applying the theory principles below will make Biblical truths come alive, even as it makes learning participatory and genuinely transformative, as learners can retain knowledge for a long time. According to Howard Gardner, the eight multiple intelligences are verbal-linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalist intelligence….

Principles of Modern and Effective Youth Ministry

Principles of Modern and Effective Youth Ministry

A common complaint of many Mainland Churches is that several Youths are not showing interest in the Church again. More so, some of them are migrating either to Generation Churches or abandoning the Faith completely. This new trend is not limited to the churches in Africa alone, it is a global phenomenon. The American and…

A Joyous Woman

What the Bible Says About Victory Identity

John the Seer introduces Revelation as the record of events Jesus Christ revealed to him through an angel (vv.1-2). Thus, a clear indication is given that the message of Revelation came directly from Jesus. It was Jesus’ message of “what must soon take place”(1:1a), giving the impression of a continuous historical or futuristic perspective. The…

Newtestament Book

The Revelation’s Call for Faith in Christ Jesus

The Revelation and the late twentieth-century world, there is no doubt that the book has many relevant messages and challenges for today. A good book. Many more have not been discussed. Given the space limitation,. What is given here is therefore far from being exhaustive. sevens, only seven of the more pertinent messages of his…

Grayscale Photography Of Hands Waving

Warfare Prayers against Family Battles

What may be a fight with family members could be some of the most complicated struggles an individual has to deal with in his or her life. These issues could be contractual issues, misunderstandings, conflict, divine attacks, or inherited issues, the result is disunity within the family cycle which is very draining emotionally and spiritually….