This prayer bulletin is compiled with God in prayer day by day from Monday to Sunday for the growth of the church and fulfillment of the Ministry. Each prayer should be said fervently. Before you pray, read the following Bible verses: 1 Thess. 5: 17; 2 Thess. 1:11; Col. 1:19; I Tim. 2:8; Heb. 13:8; James 5:16’ Eph. 6:18. They are working like magic.

Prayer Points on Sundays

You should pray that:

  1. All church members will be inspired to attend the day’s service.
  2. No member will be discouraged or disturbed from coming to church.
  3. Safe trip to the church, protection upon members’ houses and in the church.
  4. Each service will be enriched by God’s blessings – spiritual, physical, and material
  5. Sermons and teachings will be full of inspiration from heaven to purge sins and remove doubts and fears.
  6. Open heaven for healing, miracles, signs, wonders, and answered prayers.
  7. God’s anointing for the Services, Pastors, Deacons, Elders, Teachers, Choirs, Ushers, and all workers and worshippers.
  8. New members to join us and become members of (mention the name of your church).
  9. The Family Altars will receive revivals and be full of anointing this week.
  10. Pray for God’s increase and enlargement of cost for the church.
  11. God’s protection over all of us this week.
  12. Pray for those celebrating birthdays amongst them.

Prayer Points on Mondays

  1. The Holy Spirit will fill each member with abundant life, love, and zeal for things of God.
  2. We will only strive to do the will of God in all endeavors this week.
  3. Safe trips and mercy in our journeys this week.
  4. The Holy Spirit will guide our steps this week.
  5. Only His perfect will manifests in our lives this week.
  6. God will prosper all we do this week.
  7. God will protect all members and save us from fatal accidents and dangerous errors.
  8. There should be healing for the sick.
  9. Each member will be zealous to attend all meetings, services, and fellowships this week.
  10. God’s presence in all our fellowships – church and homes.
  11. That Holy Spirit will keep the fire of revival burning in the hearts of all members.
  12. That God will turn all members into prayer intercessors.
  13. God’s increase and enlargement of cost for the Church and families.
  14. Fulfillment of God’s promises and covenants over all members.
  15. Pray for those celebrating their birthdays amongst them.

Prayer Points on Tuesdays

  1. Pray against the manifestations of the following amongst families and members: sickness, accident, death, armed robbery attack, kidnapping, loss of job and possessions, poverty, barrenness, delays, backwardness, backsliding, fears, pride, self-righteousness, complacency, lukewarmness, discouragement, rebellion and all schemes of Satan and his agents.
  2. The Lord shields all families and members from a demonic attack and avenges all attackers of our destiny.
  3. Pray for unity, a life of integrity, Godly living, faithfulness, a mind of prayer, witnessing, and giving.
  4. Also, pray for prosperity, wealth, fruitfulness, and long life.
  5. God’s increase and enlargement of the coast for the Church and each family.
  6. That we will become a rich church – spiritually, financially, and materially.
  7. We will turn every member into a quality worker in all departments, committees, groups, and societies.
  8. Pray for many celebrations among us this year as God manifests His mind and purpose over our lives.
  9. Pray for those celebrating their birthdays amongst them.

Prayer Points for Youths on Wednesdays

  1. That each youth will be truly redeemed by the Lord and have the strength to withstand all temptations.
  2. Vibrant and burning instruments for the kingdom of God.
  3. High commitment to the service of God.
  4. Grace to renew strength in God always and be watchful for the second coming of the Lord.
  5. Fulfillment of God’s covenant over each of them and their aspiration.
  6. Recognition of God’s will for life and ministry on time.
  7. Godly direction in the choice of career and life partner.
  8. Open doors in educational pursuits: careers and businesses.
  9. Perfect health and God’s protection from all evils.
  10. Pray that we will not lose anyone to death, backslid, ding, and discouragement.
  11. Prosperity and good speed for achievements.
  12. Their hopes and those of their parents will not be dashed.
  13. That they will be united in doing well and as tools for the advancement of the church.
  14. Enlargement of the coast and increase in each family.
  15. Pray for those celebrating their birthdays amongst them.

Prayer Points for All Men on Thursday

  1. Be truly saved and spiritually strong men for God’s kingdom.
  2. They will be strong and active in prayer, Bible Study, living the life of the Word, and witnessing to Christ.
  3. Grace is a good example in homes, churches, the environment, and the workplace.
  4. That they will be loving and responsible husbands and fathers.
  5. Teachable spirit and ability to take spiritual responsibilities.
  6. Leadership spirit and commitment to God’s work.
  7. God’s visitation to their homes for peace, progress, prosperity, and good health.
  8. God’s favor, provision, peace of mind, protection, and long life.
  9. Pray that we will not lose anyone to death, backsliding, and discouragement.
  10. Pray for the speedy achievement of aims and aspirations
  11. God’s increase and enlargement of coasts.
  12. That God will make available for them help, mercy, and favor in all their endeavors.
  13. Spirit of unity for kingdom matters and tools of advancement for the church.
  14. Pray for those celebrating birthdays amongst them.

Prayer Points for All Women on Fridays

  1. Pray that each will be truly saved and virtuous woman.
  2. Genuine love between them and their husbands.
  3. That they will have a balanced home life and be missionaries indeed in their homes, extended family, the church, and the environment.
  4. Fruit of the womb as they desire and easy delivery for the pregnant ones (mention names).
  5. Provision and blessings of God to take care of their homes and be true helpmates physically, financially, and spiritually.
  6. God’s blessings for the achievements of their families’ aims and aspirations.
  7. God’s blessings on the works of their hands.
  8. Long life for them and their husbands to eat the fruit of their labor.
  9. Pray for their sound health.
  10. Pray that they will be strong and active in Bible Study, living the life of the word and prayer.
  11. Pray for those celebrating their birthdays amongst them.

Prayer Points for All Children on Saturdays

  1. Pray that they will be led to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
  2. That they will be children like Samuel who know the will of God from childhood.
  3. That they will be spiritual giants wherever they find themselves and they will be for signs and wonders.
  4. That they will have a teachable spirit and know the will of God for their lives on time.
  5. That they will not be stubborn at heart.
  6. That they will not join bad gangs in the community and school.
  7. That they will be the light and salt of the world from their childhood.
  8. Be bold for Christ in sharing Him with friends and others.
  9. Pray for them for excellence in life and education.
  10. God’s protection, on them over any form of sickness, sudden death, and kidnapping.
  11. Pray that they will not lose anyone of them
  12. That they will be blessed with good health.
  13. Pray for their accelerated progress in their careers.
  14. God will add more of them to the church through birth and other means.
  15. Pray for those celebrating birthdays amongst them.

Compiled By Rev. Bayo Abraham

Prayer Points for Any Ministry

  1. Pray that your ministry is full of God’s intervention.
  2. That the purpose of calling me to the ministry will come to pass.
  3. That the ministry will expand.
  4. Every satanic agent that will hinder the expansion of the ministry will be no more.
  5. That every wind that wants to blow away the ministry shall die.
  6. That your ministry will grow from higher to higher.
  7. That your ministry will not die and destroy.
  8. That your ministry will be fruitful and multiply.
  9. That your ministry will be impactful throughout the world.

Compiled By Deacon Adeola Adelakun

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