Lovemaking is simply the apex of married communication. So if there is not much other interaction, lovemaking will suffer. It is a good practice to put a hedge around your love. How do you do this? It is by taking time out together. Couples should aim to have at least one romantic interlude each week; a candle-lit dinner or a special treat – just for the two of you. Ideally, you should take, say, three breaks away together each year. These questions will help you to learn more Bible verses about love, marriage, and Christian family.
1: God the Father
God, the Father is the leader. He speaks and the others follow.
Read 1 Ephesians 1: 4; Psalm 139; Psalm 91: 1, 2; Genesis 1: 26, 27; Genesis 1: 28; Hebrews 12: 6; John 3: 16; Mark 1: 11 and answer the questions below:
- List some attributes of God the Father that a husband can emulate
- How can these characteristics help you in your relationship?
- How have you received the Father’s love and approval?
- What do you understand by God the Father?
2: God the Holy Spirit
God the Holy Spirit is the executor of the Godhead. He makes things happen.
Read Genesis 1: 1-3; John 1: 1-3; John 14: 16; Genesis 1: 2; Isaiah 40: 1; Proverbs 18: 24; Galatians 5: 22, 23; Mathew 3: 16, 17, and answer the questions below.
- Mention any 5 ways the Holy Spirit shows us the gentleness of God.
- What can you learn from the two symbols of the Holy Spirit?
- What do you understand by God the Holy Spirit?
3: God the Son
God, the Son models attributes that husbands, wives, and children need to emulate.
Read Galatians 5: 22-23; John 14: 16; Hebrews 5: 8; Mathew 22: 37; Ephesians 5: 23-32; John 15: 13 and answer the questions below.
- Why did Jesus need to learn obedience?
- How can you learn it?
- Who should submit and to whom?
- What is agape love?
- What do you learn from obedience, submission, and love?
- Mention any 10 fruits of the spirit.
- What do you understand by God the Son?
4: The First Marriage
The first marriage begins with an earthly marriage and ends with a heavenly marriage. Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding.
Read Genesis 1: 26-28 and answer the questions below.
- Who initiated marriage?
- What was the four-fold blessing spoken by God over the first couple?
- How does this blessing work out in your life together?
- When two become one, their status changes what does this involve?
- What do you understand by the First Marriage?
5: Understanding the Marriage Covenant
The marriage covenant is a lifetime commitment therefore it should not be entered into lightly.
Read Ruth 1: 16-17 and answer the questions below.
- What do you understand by a biblical covenant?
- What is a vow?
- What is the implication of the wedding vow?
- In Christian marriage, who does the joining?
- Are there any reasons that could prevent people from marrying?
- How long is a marriage supposed to last?
- What do you understand by understanding the marriage covenant?
6: Leaving, Cleaving, and Becoming One Flesh
Many people never marry but co-habit, while others become serial adulterers.
Read Genesis 2: 24; Mathew 19: 4-6; Mark 10: 2-12; 1 Corinthians 6: 15-17 and answer the questions below.
- How many times is this verse (Genesis 2: 24) repeated in the Bible?
- Why is it important?
- What will you leave behind to successfully cleave?
- Is the prime aim of marriage to produce children?
- What are your reasons for getting married?
- What do you understand by leaving, cleaving, and becoming one flesh?
7: The Roles of a Husband and a Wife
Husbands are leaders of the families while wives are helpmates.
Read 1 Peter 3: 7; and Ephesians 5: 21 and answer the questions below.
- What the role of the husband is as recorded in 1 Peter 3: 7.
- How can you bless and facilitate your wife?
- How can she serve and help?
- What role of the wife is recorded in Ephesians 5: 21.
- How may you please and encourage your husband?
- How can your husband bless and please you?
- What do you understand by the role of a husband and a wife?
8: Communication and Daily Living
Communication is an art to be learned.
Read Ephesians 4: 29-32; and Mathew 18: 18, 19, and answer the questions below.
- How can your husband/fiancé improve in the area of communication?
- What do you like that you don’t seem to know about?
- What do you want from your wife/fiancée?
- What do you want from your wife/fiancée?
- How may she improve?
- When do you plan to eat together?
- When can you have quality time together?
- How do you plan your family prayer time?
- What do you understand by communication and daily living?
9: Sexual Intimacy in Marriage
Sexual intimacy between husband and wife is the ultimate communication.
Read Genesis 2: 23, 24; Hebrews 13: 5; Genesis 2: 25; Malachi 2: 14; Proverbs 5: 18, 19; 1 Corinthians 7: 2-5 and answer the questions below.
- Why should sex be confined to marriage?
- What are things that can hinder satisfying love-making?
- What can you do to improve this area?
- Do you understand your wife’s menstrual cycle?
- Do you understand your husband’s physical needs?
- What do you understand by sexual intimacy in marriage?
10: Managing Money
A marriage can stand or fallony the way the finances are handled.
Read James 1: 17; Deuteronomy 28: 8-13; Malachi 3: 10; Mathew 7: 31-33; Mathew 18: 19; Philippians 4: 6, 19 and answer the questions below.
- Mention two more scriptures that speak of God’s provision
- Draw up a budget together.
- What are your financial goals and aspirations?
- How may you attain them?
- How will we avoid or manage debt?
- What are your plans for saving and tithing?
- What do you understand by managing money?
11: Love Definitions
Love has several definitions. It depends on the angle you see it.
Read John 3: 16; 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8; Ephesians 5: 25, 28; John 13: 34, 35;
- What do you understand by agape love?
- What is the “chesed” kind of love?
- How can you become more loving?
12: Revolving Conflicts
Resolving conflicts is refining processes.
Read Ephesians 4: 23- 32; Mathew 5: 21-24; and Mathew 6: 11, 12, 14, 15, and answer the questions below.
- How are you going to work out differences of opinion?
- What rules can you make to deal with anger?
- How often do you pray together?
- What things are not forgivable?
- Are you going to allow violence, silence, recriminations, and revenge?
- If you need help in resolving conflicts, who do you agree to go to?
- What do you understand by resolving conflicts?
Newly couples need to understand the psychology of the opposite sex. It is something you should not be afraid to read about and discuss. Lovemaking should be a celebration. Have a party for two! Put on the music! Perfume your bed! Enjoy!