Man Wearing Silver-colored Watch

The enemy of progress can be anything, anyone or the other. Anything standing against your progress is the enemy of your progress and anyone standing against your progress is the enemy of your progress. Satan can use anyone or anything to block your success and progress. You do not need to fight anyone. When you try to initiate physical combat, you are trying to complicate the issue. What you need to do is pray to stop the Spirit from using that person. When you can pray seriously, you will take away your mantle from the person. You too must not be the enemy of a person.

Thanksgiving: Thank God for giving you another opportunity to see the light of today. Have it in mind that God who has kept you till today will not leave you alone.

Confession: Abba Father, I came humbly under the throne of mercy. If there is any area that I have come short of your way allowing the enemy of progress to have their way on my life, have mercy on me and forgive me today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 1: I pray against Haman for my progress that has kept me and my household despite a deadly global pandemic in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 2: As of this year, I pray for my OPEN REWARD supernatural experience and progress in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 3: Psalm 63:2; Father, visit me specially this year. I must see Your power.  That will put an end to the operations of the enemy of my progress in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 4: Genesis 26:22 says:”..And he removed from thence, and dogged another…” There shall be a manifestation of progress in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 5: Hebrews 9:14; I come through the BLOOD unto Your throne of grace O Blood of Jesus, purge my heart, purge my spirit and deliver me from the sin standing as the enemy of my progress in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 6: O sinful nature of lying, stealing, envy, anger, bitterness,  unforgiveness, malice, jealousy hatred etc, lose your grip over me and be purged by the Blood of Jesus.

Prayer Point 7:  Proverbs 28:13; I repent, confess and forsake that secret sin and conduct standing as the enemy of my progress from today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 8: You enemy of my OPEN REWARD that wants to deny me of my progress, you are rendered powerless today in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 9: 1 John 5:17; You unrighteous thirst for sin burning in my heart and mind, dry up now by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 10: You INWARD SIN that dwells in me to my hurt, be uprooted now by the BLOOD of Jesus. O sin nature that has taken my soul captive, be destroyed by the Blood of Jesus.

Prayer Point 11: LORD, I need more brokenness this year Jonah 2:8 Says: “They liar; I will not forsake my mercy through lying vanities this year.

Prayer Point 12: My Year of open Reward and progress come now and put shame on the devil working against my progress in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 13: Proverbs 1:10 says: “My son, if sinners entice you, you shall not surrender, “ merchants of sin blocking the progress around me shall lose power in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 14: Almighty God, separate me from ATTRACTION and ATTACHMENT to sin and iniquity hindering my progress now in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 15: Deut. 22:12; I reject, refuse and disclaim the deceptions and my reward this year. O Balak (sinful desires, ugly past, evil foundation of sin and reward of off now by fire in Jesus name.

Prayer Point 16: Numbers 22:5; O messengers of iniquity targeting my cordial relationship with God, run mad now in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 17: Vs 6; I reject the wages of Balak! Every evil invitation to sin or unrighteousness, scatter by fire in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 18: Vs 8; 0 Balak, I have no business with you this year; disconnect from me and die in Jesus’ name. I Reject The Reward Of Balak! I block every link in my life that will give Balak (sin) entrance into my life and truncate my relationship with God this year.

Prayer Point 19: Lord, I resolve to obey You daily this year; I will not be a party. I Reject The Wages of Balak! O ministry of Balak, in my life, you are caused in the name of Jesus Christ. I reject whatever the world has to offer in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 20: I shall obey Your voice every step of the way in Jesus’ name. I will not disgrace Your name again from today in the name of Jesus Christ. Stop the enemy of my progress today in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.              

Prayer Point 21:  Lord Jesus, deal with anyone standing as the hindrance to my progress and those who concern me from today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. to the fellowship of the Spirit in Jesus name.

Prayer Point 22: O Lord, cut any sharpened evil and spiritual antenna, used to block my success to manifest in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Help me to hear and to see the success again in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 23: 1 Reject the Way of Balaami O Lord, open my eyes to from getting to me this year in Jesus’ name. O Lord, I Reject The Way of Balaami I repent of religious hypocrisy obstructing my progress right now in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 24: O evil desires of the flesh, die, die and die now/daily in Jesus’ name. You lust of uncleanness, I am not your candidate this year; be rooted out of my heart by the Blood of Jesus.

Prayer Point 25: Vs 14; Lord, my eyes shall not be full of adultery, sin shall not be my identity this year In Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 26: Lord, You are the right way. I reject the wrong way of Balaam. Balaam standing as the enemy of my progress, missed my address by fire and thunder in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 27: The Spirit of Balaam standing as a blockage to my progress,  you are a liar, you cannot invade my spirit; lose me and go now in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 28: I Reject the Wages of unrighteousness You root of unrighteousness, You enemy of my progress and all that concerns me, dry up now by fire in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 29: O my soul; hate, repel, abhor and reject unrighteousness by holy anger in Jesus’ name. I shall be my focus and watchword daily. My obedience shall provoke my open reward and progress in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 30: Give glory to Almighty God for answering Your prayers and granting Your requests. Sing and clap to express Your gratitude to God Almighty. He is there for You.

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