Crop from above of faceless multiracial friends in casual clothes uniting hands after coming to agreement while standing on light grey ceramic floor

These days, Satan has planted the spirit of competition, jealousy and rivalry in the minds of many people, even in the churches. They will just develop bitterness and hatred against your effort to achieve the common goals and objectives of the church or organization. Not because you offend them, but because they think you always make reasonable points and decisions that make them mad.

They quickly develop hatred and bitterness. They utter false accusations and conspire coalition against you and what you are doing. They have forgotten that the work of God cannot be hindered and obstructed. To silence those people and scatter their accusations and conspiracies, you need to pray these prayer points. To render them to nothing and make their voice void and null, pray these prayer points, they will work for you.

Prayer of Thanksgiving: I thank God for being with me and the grace he gave me to be of one those being protected in the name of Jesus Christ. Let my thanks be accepted today and forevermore in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer of Confession: Father, have mercy on me in the areas the Satan has been accusing me of any inequities and sins. Cleanse and put the accusers to shame from now in the name of Jesus Christ.

The voice of Conspirators must end in noise-making

Prayer Point 1: Lord Jesus, let the agreed voice of false accusers and conspirators over my life and my effort end in mere noise-making from this moment in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 2: Father, when you put me over the accusers, all planned coalition will be nothing. They will be just making noises. All planned coalitions by the accusers and conspirators will not stand from today in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 3: My God, from this moment silence the voice of every conspirator and accuser of my ministry in the church and society in the special name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 4: Jesus, let your hard hands handle the enemy of my ministry I am called for in your church and society from this moment in the name of Jesus Christ.

The voice of Conspirators must end in time-wasting

Prayer Point 5: Abba Father, as of this moment, let the agreed coalition of false accusers and conspirators against me and my ministry end in time-wasting in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 6: My God, deal with any negative competition concerning my ministry in the church and society in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 7: Almighty God, let bitter jealousy and rivalry developed by any person against me and ministry be a burden for the perpetrator from this hour in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 8: Silence the voice of false accusers and conspirators that formed a negative coalition against me and my ministry in the church and society from this hour in the name of Jesus Christ.

The voice of Conspirators must end in punishment

Prayer Point 9: Father, if these people refuse to surrender, let all their competitions and struggles against me and my ministry in the church and society end in punishment starting from this moment in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 10: Almighty Father, let these people realize that it is You, God, they conspire against, not me, and let them face the consequences they deserve from today in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 11: Jesus, let the accusers and conspirators of your work be still and quiet from this moment in the name of Jesus Christ. His or her voice against me and my ministry will not be reckoned with from this moment in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 12: O Lord, silence the voice struggling with your work through me and my ministry in the church and society from this moment in the special name of Jesus Christ.

The voice of Conspirators must end in regret

Prayer Point 13: Psalm 105:1; Abba Father, thank you for keeping me alive despite the attacks of the enemies on my life today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 14: Hebrews 12:24; This day, I sprinkle the Blood of Jesus to subdue all my antagonists right now in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 15: In Numbers 16:31-33, the voices of false accusation against Moses ceased at Your appearance; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, do same for me now this year.

Prayer Point 16: Psalm 124:1-6; Blessed be Your name for not allowing my adversaries to swallow me up with false accusations today in the special name of Jesus Christ. ยท

Prayer Point 17: Every arrow of accusation targeted at my life and destiny now shall be broken into pieces right away in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 18: Rev.12:11; By the Blood of the Lamb, I command every struggle of false accuser and conspirator shall be nothing from now on the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Prayer Point 19: Numbers 16:31-33; Lord Jesus, arise and vindicate me. Open her mouth and swallow up my accusers this moment in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 20: Any satanic agent who is planning to hurt me and take away my success through false accusations this season shall be no more today by fire in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 21: LORD, in Your mercy, deliver me from the evil hands of my conspirators today/daily this year in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 22: Samuel 15:31; O God, turn the counsel of my conspirators to foolishness according to the order of Ahithophel now in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 23: Daniel 6:4; O God, let those that gather and conspire to demote me in this first quarter of 2020, scatter in seven places in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 24: You powers putting my hatred in the hearts of my conspirators, be arrested by fire right now in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 25: Vs 8; My Father, my Father, send confusion into their midst and scatter their conspiracy by thunder and by fire today in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 26: Isaiah 8:9; Every power ganging up against the purpose of God for my life/career/business, scatter now in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 27: Every dark conspiracy fashioned against my life/business/career, backfires and wastes your senders today in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 28: In righteousness shall I be established! My destiny, career and business shall be far from oppression from this moment in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 29: 2 Kings 15:30; Your powers plotting my downfall and death through conspiracy to take my place, die now and forevermore in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 30: Acts 23:13-15; Let there be everlasting confusion upon those who have conspired to dent my reputation and kill me from today and forevermore in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 31: LORD, in Your mercy deliver me from the evil hands of my conspiratorion today/daily this year in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 32: 2 Samuel 15:31; O God, turn the counsel of my conspirators against me to nothing and void from this hour in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 33: Daniel 6:4; O God, let those that gather and conspire to demote and dent my image me this because of pure truth and straightforward insistence be scattered and be nothing from this hour in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point 34: You powers putting my hatred in the hearts of my conspirators, be arrested by fire this time in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point 35: My Father, my Father, set confusion in their midst and scatter their conspiracy by thunder and by fire today in Jesus’ name.

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