Welcome to the 19th Edition of devotional and we strongly believe that the previous editions have blessed you immensely. This amazing edition will be impactful too. The previous editions can be accessible here for further blessings. Happy reading!
Church Membership and Ministries
Read Ephesians 3:10; 5:25; 1:22-23; 4:7-11
The church is an organization Jesus created to benefit you. The adopted son does not only have a joint heir in heaven, he has a new family on earth. He has a community of brothers and sisters, with whom he can pray, sing, dance, and socialize. He has become a partaker of the fellowship of the saints both at the local and universal levels. He is a member of a church now. The benefits of being a member include; joy, peace, and a sense of belonging. No organization (not even the United Nations) can be as great as the Church. So, join a godly church where the Bible is truly preached and believed. Though there are false churches; don’t be discouraged from being a committed member of a church.
The church is often called the Bride of Jesus Christ, whom He is coming back to rapture (take back to heaven). I assure you that no matter the persecution the church faces, she shall triumph. (Rev21:1-3;10;Heb 12:22-23). Jesus is praying for His church (John10:16;17: 11;21-23; Acts 2:47). The church is not divided along racial lines (Psalm 133:1; Gal 3:26-29;1Cor 10:17). Join a church and get ready for God to use you to achieve His mission for the church. God intends to use the Church to destroy every satanic manipulation….so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. -Ephesians 3:10(ESV)
Read Ephesians 1:22-23 and pray: Thank you Jesus for making me a part of the church that you gave up Yourself for. Please make me a responsible member.
Read 1 Cor.11:23-25,10:17, Matt. 26:26-29, John 6:53-57
Another benefit is that you can now eat at the Lord’s Table. You can eat the symbolic body of Christ and drink the blood of Jesus. This is a sign that Christ lives in you and you are one with Christ. Hearkening to God’s call unto salvation qualifies you to participate in the Lord’s Supper. This spiritual exercise reminds you of the reality of Christ and eternal life.
The Lord Jesus… took bread,.. broke it, and said Read Corinthians 11:23-25
Jesus said…“Truly, truly, I say to you…. John 6:53
- Read and pray 1 Corinthians 10:17: Thank you, Lord, for making me one with you and other believers.
- Read Matthew 26:27-30 and pray: God, help me to understand and experience the diverse mysterious full benefits of the blood of Jesus.
Dethronement of Satan
Read Lk. 4:8,10:18,13:16, Acts 26:18, Rom.16:20
Satan defeated Adam and Eve but Jesus defeated Satan and empowered us to defeat Satan.
Satan became the ruler over Adam and Eve when they obeyed his instruction instead of obeying God’s instruction. But Jesus came to this world to remove the throne of Satan from every human heart. He came to set us free from the enslavement of Satan. No human being can dethrone Satan the way Jesus dethroned him.
Satan is a fallen angel but Jesus is the ever-living Lord and Son of God. Satan is fallen but Jesus is on the throne forever. Carefully consider this and choose whom you will serve today. The risen Lord Jesus or the fallen angel, is called Satan. You can push Satan down from ruling your life as you enthrone Christ. The church should work in unity to dethrone Satan.
- Read and pray Luke 4:8: Father Lord, I choose to worship you. Please, remove every competing idol or evil spirit in my heart.
- Read and pray Luke 10:18: Satan, in the name of Jesus, I cast you out of my life in Jesus’ name.
- Read and pray Luke 13:16: In the name of Jesus, I lose myself from every bondage of Satan. God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. Rom 16:20
- God Almighty, crush Satan and all His influences, connections, deposits, strongholds, worldviews, and mindsets from my life in Jesus’ name.
Diaconate’s Services and Pastoral Ministry
Read Acts 6:1-3; Eph.4:7-11
You have the privilege to be ministered to by God’s ministers: pastors and deacons in the local church that you attend. Deacons and deaconesses are helpers of pastors. They help the church to minister help to those who need it. Furthermore, as you grow in the Lord you too can be called and equipped for diverse forms of ministry. You may become a deacon deaconess or pastor or other forms of minister (Romans 16:1; Eph 4:11-12). You will have the opportunity to serve other people. You are a child of God, yet you must be willing to serve others as a sign of love for your Father and another joint heir in God’s family. We serve one another with joy and committed devotion. To become a minister in the future, watch your life now and obey God with the help of the Holy Spirit.
- Read and pray Acts 6:1-3: Lord Jesus, I thank you for the privilege of being served by your ministers. Lord, help me to also grow up in your service so that I can serve others in the family, as your child.
- Read and pray 1 Timothy 3:8-13: Help me Lord to live a life that will qualify me for your service in the years to come.
- Read and pray Ephesians 4:11-12: According to your will, make me fit to be assigned.
Balanced Doctrines
Read 1 Tim.4:1, Heb.13:9, Col.2:22, John 7:16-17, Acts 2:42;
Welcome to a world of balanced godly doctrine. Jesus Christ is ready to deliver you from evil doctrines and wrong teachings. He wants to save you from wrong human teachings. The death of Jesus Christ rescues you from the Law and legalistic rule, which no human being was able to practice successfully and score 100%. Meanwhile, God will not allow a single offence into His heaven. This is why He gave the command to “be holy as I am holy.” God saw our inability to fulfill the doctrines based on the Law, therefore He released the New Testament. (John 7:16-17). Accept balanced Christian doctrines today and you will be set on making heaven.
- Read and pray 1 Timothy 4:1: God Almighty, please deliver my soul from doctrines of demons, deceitful spirits, and wrong teachings of heretical human beings.
- Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace…Hebrews 13:9. Strengthen my heart by grace, O Lord. Purge me from diverse strange teachings, which I have imbibed.
Purity of the Church
Read Eph: 5:25-26
You can be part of the church which will be raptured pure at the end of the age. Revelation 19:7-8 (ASV) Let us rejoice and be exceeding glad and let us give the glory unto him: for the marriage of the Lamb comes, and his way hath made her unite her that she should array himself in fine line, bright and pure for the fine linen is the right acts of the Lord. The finished work of Christ keeps the church pure despite societal defilement. The enemy has bombarded the church with condemnation and persecution for ages. Yet they have not been able to conquer the church because Jesus miraculously keeps the church on with His blood.
This is the body you have the benefit of joining. Let me assure you that the church has survived all as they will continue to survive, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against her. Do not be discouraged by all sorts of things that are befalling the church. Yes, there are false prophets, evil people calling themselves pastors and getting involved in all sorts of wins and abominations, Yet I assure you there are devoted ministers of God and the Lord is releasing His word through them to dean up the church. Do not allow weevil minority to make you lose the benefit of being part of the body of Christ.
Read Ephesians 5:25-27 and pray: Lord, help me to be a responsible church member. Use me as an instrument of cleaning and building your church. Help me to be committed to your church. I will not pull her down but do my best to honor her.