There are several social ills and commandments that the Bible warned against in the Old Testament and they are still occurring and manifesting these days. Those vices have pervaded our society and they need urgent attention for action. Six of those social ills have been discussed below.
1. Murder
God placed much value on human life to the extent that the commanded that no one should kill. To kill life chicken in some people is a great problem, how much more is a human being? To murder is to kill, to spoil the image of another person. This act is evil in God’s sight. There are several ways people kill today. They kill by shedding blood, slandering, and kidnapping. Also, there are many reasons they kill for money, position, jealousy, ritual and to silence others.
To murder is evil because it is always propelled by the evil spirit (1 Samuel 19: 9-10). Jesus compared some traits to murder in Mathew 5: 21-22 that you as a child of God must be very careful of He said if you are angry; if you call people “Raca” an idiot or call someone a “fool” you will be in danger of hell fire.
Whosoever kills is under a curse. Cain was killed and he had to pay for it severely in Genesis 4: 1-15. The blood he shed was crying over him every day, the land was no friendlier with him and later he became a restless wanderer. Then, what is the benefit of killing if all these would eventually happen to the one that kills? Those who killed Jesus also regretted it. Blood is powerful; do not shed human blood.
2. Adultery
Adultery is an act of unfaithfulness to one’s spouse. It encompasses immorality and sexual sins. It is an abomination in God’s sight because it violates the essence of home. Adultery has crept in amidst the so-called children of God; church leaders are victims of this terrible act, homes are being broken and destinies are being destroyed.
Jesus strictly points out the source of adultery in Mathew 5: 27-30 and verse 28 says “… anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in the heart.” This shows that the sin of adultery begins from the heart. Every child of God must be able, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to control his or her thoughts. No act of lust should be permitted; Jesus said whatever will cause you to sin must be dealt with appropriately.
Adultery has both spiritual and physical consequences. Spiritually, it leads to death (Leviticus 20: 10). God commanded those involved to be stoned to death. It leads to separation from God. Physically, it does not bring joy to the home; it opens doors of attack for the enemies; it betrays trust. Adultery brings set back to the whole family and the adulterers. Finally, several diseases can be contracted through the act. Beloved, the truth is that no adulterer will have a part in the kingdom of God (Mark 5: 30)
3. Stealing
The eighth commandment demands faithfulness and honesty from every child of God. God wants your dealings both in the church and outside to be based on honesty. That is why you must not be involved in the act of stealing. Stealing is beyond money; it involves cheating and taking a position that does not belong to you and all other things that do not belong to you.
It is shameful today that many who call themselves Christians, who are in various positions are traceable to the act of stealing both in secular and spiritual dispensations. The question is why steal? Stealing brings shame to the name of God in the life of those who are involved. It brings shame to the family. It brings shame to you too. Stealing could lead to death both physically and spiritually.
Do not allow any situation to push you to steal at home, school, church, office, or even in the community, you find yourself. Remember that Judas did not end well with the act, his end was bitter. Those who steal do not end well. There are ways to overcome stealing. Ask for the help of the Holy Spirit in dealing with the act. Be contented, avoid covetousness, avoid relationships with those who are involved, learn the principle of rejection in other not to fail into temptation, and lastly be honest in your dealings every day.
4. False Testimony
This commandment has to do with your delay with others. God told the Israelites not to give false witness against tier neighbor. Testimony will always be needed either to promote or to demote, either for or against rights from the homes, schools, offices, society, and even the court. What every child of God must know is that it is prohibited for you to lie against someone, to give a wrong accusation or testimony. False testimony ruins another person’s reputation. Jesus said, “Let your yes be yes, and let your no be no.” You must speak about people in a fair and just manner, in a way that will give glory to God.
It is interesting to know why people give false testimony. They do that because of money, what they would act or gain from it. Some did that so that they could be preferred, promoted, or loved by the people. Some did that to escape rightful judgment. Whatever the reason, you must know that (1) those who give false testimony do not last (ii), the day they stopped it’s the day they begin. (iii) The blood or tears of the innocent will always be crying against them. “Have nothing to do with false charge; do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquire the guilty.” (Exodus 23: 17)
5. Covetousness
Covetousness is a desire or lust for all that is wrong or belongs to another person. It is a wish to have in possession of what belongs to another. Covetousness is a sin. God warns against covetousness because it damages relationships. It brings death and destruction. “When I saw in the plunder a beautiful robe from Babylonia… I coveted them and took them… (Joshua 7: 21). This was the confession of Achan though he did that secretly but paid for it openly. He died with all his family and belongings.
Covetousness involves envy and lust. It resents the fact that others have what you don’t have God is the giver of every human need. Why can’t you pray and trust Him to give you whatever you need? Being contented is the way out of covetousness. Let what you have to satisfy you no matter how small or irrelevant to others. Do that and you will discover that you always have peace of mind.
6. Bribery
A bribe is a prominent menace in society today. It is a payment made to a person in a position of trust to corrupt judgment. It is an illegal payment to exchange for favor or influence. A bribe is common in society today. It seems impossible to get your right done without bribing your way. In offices, schools, markets, and even in the church, bribery is common. The unfortunate thing is that those who are involved are church members of one church or the other.
People do not see bribes as a sin again. They gave it various names like pay off, settlement; grease one’s elbow, watering the ground, etc. The command is that you must not accept it and you must not give it. The repercussions are stated clearly in the word of God. A bribe is against the nature of God – honesty. God does not have double nature. Talking about the bribes and giving them as a Christian is having a double nature.
Bribe blinds. It affects the right judgment and decision. It makes you close your eyes to what is right. It brings ruin to the household (Proverbs 15: 27a). Can you see what a bribe does to someone? Bribes will not only affect the person but also affect the whole household. But those who hate bribes will live (Proverbs 15: 27b). You can live your life without taking bribes. Don’t base your survival on the bribe you are collecting. God is warning today that you should not let bribe collection be part of your life.