God is the ultimate cause of everything. The concern should be for what purpose should the people it was made for practice famine if they must purpose for its initiation. God created the earth for a purpose; all the animals, plants, and light waters were set, but God was not done, then He made man would not be enough, so He created the woman.
Something interesting about the formation of the woman is that anyone would expect that God would either speak or mold the clay to create the woman surprisingly, He formed the woman using a rib that He had removed from the man(Genesis 2:22). Thus, God made human beings, both male-female (Genesis 1:27;5:2). The creation of the woman from the mast was necessary to create the desired connection and intimacy between man woman.
This is evident in the man’s immediate recognition and acceptance of the woman as his bone and flesh when he exclaims, Thnow bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called “Nomanfor she was taken out of Man.’ Genesis 2:23.The creator(God) much been delighted by the man’s recognition of the woman as part of the time this is the basis for every relationship and any relationship that lacks mutual recognition risks falling apart in no time.
Upon the man-AdamaWoman-Eve, were the blessing of the Lord pronounced Genesisl’God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase the number…'”Having blessed them to be fruitful and to increase in blessings and kindness, the man and his wife(the woman) responsibility to live together as one, for one purpose, to satisfy and fulfill His will for their union.
Given the characteristics of a family listed above, a family line continues as long as its members reproduce through marriage or adoption. Family structure has no boundaries; it constantly expands to become strong enough to withstand future hardship and changing times. Therefore, the family of God is a unit or group of interconnected individuals who hold beliefs and have acknowledged God as their Father and Lord. They are united in faith and fellowship with God and one another.
Furthermore, the family is a universal institution, and every society today is comprised of several families. Undoubtedly, family is a beautiful part of God’s plans for humanity. However, as beautiful as this gift is, it is also a delicate institution that should be managed appropriately, especially for those who fail to build their family on God, the President and Founder of the Family. Some people have started and have a family today but do not care about what God thinks and how He wants it to be run.
Many need more drive and passion to make their family purposeful, while some are only in it for its fun and other peculiarities. This accounts for the many bad homes that exist in our world today. If this must stop, Christians worldwide must do things differently as disciples of Jesus Christ. The disciples have forsaken their old ways of unrighteousness and have chosen to put upon themselves a new lifestyle, as exemplified by Jesus Christ. These are followers of Jesus Christ and are referred to as Christians, a group to which believers belong.
A disciple cannot afford to have a home for Satan but a home where God is glorified. To achieve this, we must be committed to our family so much that, for our part, our family can continue to thrive as a model family for others.
According to Kumari, the following foundations are the grounds upon which the concept of the family rests. These foundations are also various groups into which the idea is divided, and they include:
1. The Foundation of Birth
Procreation and orientation are the frameworks on which this foundation is laid. It is the family in which a person is born through intimate union, whether or not they share a roof.
2. The Foundation of Marriage
Three different types of marriages form this basis of structure monogamous, polyandrous, and polygynous family foundation. The monogamous family comprises a single husband and wife, whether they have children or not. One husband and numerous women make up a polygynous family, together with any offspring conceived by the wives or taken in by any of them. The polyandrous family comprises one wife, multiple husbands, and either biological or adopted offspring.
3. The Foundation of Residence
The family in question is divided into patrilocal, matrilocal, and avunculocal. It all depends on the structure of the house the couples live. First, after marriage, the couple moves in with the wife’s family to live. The second is when a wife lives with the husband’s family. The third is when the pair moves to settle in a separate home that is neither the bride’s nor the bridegroom’s after marriage.
4. The Foundation of Ancestry/Descent
This may be divided into patrilineal and matrilineal. The patrilineal is when the descent of marriage is traced through the father and the family inheritance is determined based on the male line or the father. Patrilineal is the most common type prevalent today. On the other hand, the matriline family is a type in which the family descent is traced along the female line, and the inheritance is determined based on the female line of descent.
5. The Foundation of Blood Relationship is divided into Consanguine and Conjugal
The consanguine family is founded on the parent-child relationship (blood-descent). It is a descent group through the male line, firmly vested with authority. It consists of a nucleus of blood relatives surrounded by a fringe of wives and others who are incidental to the maintenance of the family unit, and this family becomes very large. In contrast, the conjugal family is the nucleus of the husband, the wife, and the offspring. They are surrounded by a fringe of relatives only incidental to the family functioning as a unit. In this type, the authority and solidarity of the family reside solely in the conjugal(husband and wife).
6. The Foundation of Authority
On the foundation of authority, the family can either be patriarchal or matriarchal. The patriarchal family is a type in which all power belongs to the paternal side. In this, the eldest male or the father is the head of the family. He exercises control over the family members, presides over the religious rites of the household, and is a custodian of the family goods. In contrast, a matriarchal family is a form of authority centered on the wife or mother. This system implies the rule of the family by the mother and not by the father. In this type, women are entitled to perform religious rites, and the husband lives in the wife’s house.
7. The Foundation of Structure/Size
This foundation is grouped into two; a Nuclear Family and a Joint Family. A nuclear family is a small group consisting of a husband, a wife, and children, either by birth or adoption. It is a relatively autonomous unit that is not controlled by elders of the families of both husband and wife. It consists of two generations only and it is the most common in this contemporary world and the consequence of disintegrating joint family. In contrast, a joint family consists of three generations living under the same roof, sharing the same kitchen and economic expenses. It comprises three nuclear families living together. In this type, they are related by some kind of kindred.
We firmly believe that God has ordained the family as the foundational institution of human society. The family comprises persons related to one another by marriage, blood, or adoption. Elijah Brown, President of Baptist World Alliance, says, “Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime.”It is a unique gift to reveal the union between Christ and His church and to provide for the man and the woman in marriage the framework for intimate companionship, the channel of sexual expression, according to biblical standards, and the means for the procreation of the human race.