Welcome to the 13th edition of devotional powerful topics we select for you to enrich your research. May God continue to bless you abundantly in the name of Jesus Christ. We have selected seven (8) topics from the theme “Peace” which you can use for your devotion and development to minister when working on peace. They will enrich your lives. You may read further of our other editions here.
Day 1: Understanding Peace
Read Hebrews 12: 14
Peace is surrendering and yielding ourselves to the Lord to be in His control, for He is our ultimate Peace; allowing tranquillity to be our tone as well as controlling our composure. This will be fuelled by our harmonious relationship with God to whom we should hand over the control of our hearts, will, and minds. As Christians, we need peace in our lives, especially with all the uncertainties of this life; never knowing what is going to happen next. How then do I exhibit peace in my daily life? What can I do to develop a more peaceful attitude? What hinders the practice of peace in my life? These are some issues we shall be considering today.
Prayer: O Lord, command your peace in my heart today in the name of Jesus Christ.
Day 2: Peace as God’s Gift to Humankind
Philippians 2: 12, 13
Peace is God’s attribute and character. It is a gift that God gives unto a person, family, or nation. It brings about mental and physical calmness, tranquillity, and harmony. It helps one overcome disturbances, violence, misunderstanding, etc.
Furthermore, peace is an attitude God expects Christians to cultivate. It is an inner disposition that makes a person remain calm, undisturbed, and unafraid in turbulent and disturbing situations. For instance, Daniel, while in Babylon, manifested peace while he was being thrown into the lions’ den: he remained calm as his enemies fruitlessly plotted his downfall.
You need to have peace within you if you must be who God wants you to be, do what God wants you to do, and have what God wants you to have. It will help you to see the good in every trouble and the advantage in every trial. Indeed, peace is an inner victory over all battles; it is the root of confidence and boldness.
Prayer: O Lord, let your peace reign in my family in the name of Jesus Christ.
Day 3: Jesus Christ as the Epitome of Peace
Read Romans 10:15;14:17
Jesus Christ is the epitome of peace. He manifested peace throughout His life on earth. He was always in control of every situation. He was always calm and at home among both friends and foes. He was tender towards His disciples and followers and never felt threatened by the Pharisees and the Sadducees, His human arch-enemies during His ministry.
Jesus is the Prince of Peace: He does not only manifest peace but also gives peace to humankind. The peace that Christ brought is primarily a spiritual peace from God. It is an absolute peace. Although, He said that He did not come “to send peace on the earth, but a sword,” referring to the searching nature of His call and the divisions and clearances it would create; but, of course, the spirit of the Gospel and of a Christian is that of peace, and a Christian must always seek to bring war and strife to an end. This is represented as the ultimate result of the Gospel and the Spirit of Christ, universal and permanent peace can come only when this Spirit rules in our hearts.
Everything about Jesus is peace. His Gospel is the gospel of peace; His kingdom is a kingdom of peace (Romans 10:15;14:17). Indeed the Bible says He is our peace. Read Ephesians 2:14, KJV
Prayer: Almighty God, let everything about be the peace in the name of Jesus Christ.
Day 4: Be a Peacemaker
Read Mark 9:50
Peace is a distinctive Christian quality. The Lord says, “Salt is good: but if the salt has lost his saltiness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.”(Mark9:50, KJV)You can show you are a Christian by being a peacemaker.
A peacemaker is someone who has peace in him/herself and who influences other people with the same attitude. You must realize that some people do not have peace within them. The Bible says, “And the way of peace have they not known(Romans 3:17, KJV); but a believer has peace within. Inward peace is the portion of the righteous who trusts in God. Job 22:21 says, “Acquaint now thy self with him, and be at peace (shalom).”It is a Christian’s duty, therefore, to influence the people of the world with peace. Hebrews 12:14 says, “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.”Romans 14:19 says, “Let us, therefore, follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.”
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help to follow and maintain peace in the name of Jesus Christ.
Day 5: How to Manifest the Attitude of Peace (1)
Read Mark 4:39-40
Trust in God: It is natural for the people of the world to lose their peace amid turmoil but Christians can manifest peace through their faith in the Lord in any situation. After the Lord Jesus had calmed the raging storm on the sea, during a voyage in Mark 4, He asked them why they did not have faith. Read Mark 4:39-40, KJV.
The Lord’s astonishment towards the disciples implies that peace has a connection with faith. You cannot have peace without having faith in God. You can have faith in God when you locate the Word of God that direly applies to your challenging situation The Bible says “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall penalize them”(Psalm 119:165, KJV)
Prayer: God, let your peace reign in this community in the name of Jesus Christ.
Day 6: How to Manifest the Attitude of Peace (2)
Read Psalm 119:165
Listen to the Voice of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the source of peace. He always fears in our hearts by speaking quietly to us to put our hearts to rest concerning any matter in life. No wonder, He is called the Comforter, I experienced that one day, when our two children were missing from their school.
We could not find them anywhere around the school premises after closing time. Their class teachers and the head teacher were greatly troubled. Our family friend who introduced the school to us was also afraid as we were helplessly searching for them
Meanwhile, I did not lose my peace a bit because the Holy Spirit had quietly told me that all was well with the children. Although I did not know where they were in particular, I had peace because of the assurance I received from the Holy Spirit. Later, when we found them, a man commented about the peace I manifested during the time others were troubled. I told him it was because the Holy Spirit had assured me.
Prayer: Lord, teach us to manifest the attitude of peace in the name of Jesus Christ.
Day 7: How to Manifest the Attitude of Peace (3)
Matthew 26:36
Be Dedicated to Prayer: Your heart will generate great peace each time you pray unto God concerning any situation. Daniel experienced great peace from God as he faced persecution because of his consistent prayer life. The Lord Jesus also exhibited great peace as He knew that the pain of the cross was the will of His Father for Him. (Matthew 26:36 ff)
Prayer: Give me the zeal of prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
Day 8: How to Manifest the Attitude of Peace (4)
Forgive Offences Always: Offences of men against you will naturally generate bitterness in your heart. And bitterness is an enemy of peace: it drains peace from the heart. This is why the Lord admonishes us to forgive all those who offend us. Bitterness will not allow us to enjoy all that God has in store for us; it will strain our relationship with God and others. Forgiveness is the way out. Make it your habit to readily forgive anyone who hurts you. And you will consistently experience peace.
Prayer: Almighty God, give me the mind to forgive the offences in the name of Jesus Christ.