Two people walking down a path in the woods

Best Similarities in Christian and Islamic Conceptions of Paradise

This results from many reasons, the principal among which is the widespread misconception among Muslims that the Bible has been altered over time. As a result of this, it could be challenging to evangelise Muslims using the traditional methods that most Christians use. This study, like that of the Apostle in Athens (Acts 17), aims…

How to Display Good Conduct in Home, Church and School

How to Display Good Conduct in Home, Church and School

Conduct is defined in the Microsoft Encartà as “to behave in a particular way, like’shegenerally. Every child is expected to behave well at all times.Christian children asChrist’s disciples should have good manners in speech and action. Today’s lesson focuses onthe importance of displaying good conduct at home as young disciples of Christ.That wasthe example Jesus…

What the Bible Says about Discipleship and Apostleship

What the Bible Says about Discipleship and Apostleship

From the above, it is important that our understanding of an apostle in this article is not limited to the 12 Aposles listed in Mathew 10:2-4; Mark 3: 16-19; Luke6:13-16 and |acts 1:13. Therefore, some apostles were probably bearing 2 different names like Mathew who was also called Levy. Apart from the 12 Apostles, others…