A concert can be entertainment in which there is harmony of mind, soul, and body. But a musical concert is a musical entertainment in which the participants enjoy certain performances through the presentation of music ministrations. Concert pieces can be in the form of songs, performances, dramas, poems, dances, choreographies, displays, and the like. What a Christian concert is not is as follows: It is not a noise, mere entertainment, mere performance that is not based on evangelism, expanding the kingdom of God, bringing unbelievers to God, and so on. What a Christian concert is: It is purposely for evangelism, expanding the kingdom of God, and bringing the unbelievers to God. If an organized concert cannot win souls or bring people to Christ, it is just noise and distraction. This article will discuss some important ways to organize Christian Music Concert.

Carefully define the purpose of the concert.

There are different kinds of concerts.  There is the concert of the companies, the concert of worldly organizations, the concert of musicians, and so on. But this is the gospel concert and the concert of the children of God. This must be carefully done. How you will organize; the kind of participants to be invited must not contradict your faith. Your concert must be for evangelism and for expanding the kingdom of God. You must understand this and work towards it. It will guide you to know who to invite and where to use for the event. The purpose of your concert must attract unbelievers to God. If the purpose of the concert cannot encourage and unify believers or allow people to come to Jesus, the concert is just a noise.

Carefully draw an overall budget for the event.

There is no event or concert without a budget. The budget is the amount of money allocated for the program. The amount of money set aside for ministers, performers, instrumentalists, venue, power supply, dressing code, and lots more. When you carefully earmark a certain amount of money for the event and plan it very well, you will not run into any program amidst the event. Therefore, you should plan all your activities in the program and allocate finances for them well. When you are considering things and planning here, you have to determine, the kind of equipment you will need for the success of the event. Everything should be planned and included in your budget.

Carefully choose the ministers.

The ministers are those that will take part in one program or the other in the event or concert. In this area, the organizers of the concert must be very careful. This is the gospel event and the concert of the children of God. Make sure you invited the gospel ministers of God, not mere entertainers, performers, staggers performances, romantic dancers, or erotic performers or singers that will not expand the heavenly kingdom or promote evangelism. The organizers must check this and carefully work on it. The performers must not be the ones that will influence the audience negatively or clowns that will instill negative messages in people.

Carefully select instrumentalists.

The involvement of the instrumentalists cannot be over-emphasized. They take a positive part in the beautification of the concert. That is why it is important to take care in selecting them. Many of them are not the children of God. The reason why inspirational songs or music are lacking these days is because the source of the songs is not from God and the musicians or singers are not God’s vessels. The instrumentalists that will make meanings out of any gospel concert must be children of God. They should not only be noise-makers. Any instrumentalist that is not a child of God is a noisemaker, and any singer or musician that is not a child of God is a mere entertainer. Their ministrations cannot impact lives and win souls.

Carefully look for a suitable venue.

The venue will dictate how the concert will look like. The organizers must work on a suitable venue. Remember, you are a child of God. You can use the church well-decorated for the event. An event hall and other beautifying centers may be used for the program. You do not select a venue where there are full of alcohol and full of prostitution. The vices may influence the guests and participants negatively. Therefore, try to work to get a befitting and decent venue for the event. Not only this, the organizers must check the necessary facilities before the date reaches. They must see to the power supply, dressing/costumes, lighting, and other facilities. As earlier said, the center must not allow sexual harassment. You can read more about how to book for the event.

Carefully ensure the security of the participants.

The security of the people is very important these days. Almost everywhere has become fear for the people in the world. Even, in the churches, members worship in fear because of bad security. The organizers must make this a priority, especially where there is a security issue. You can hire security agents for the day or days from private or government organizations. The step will give the guests rest and peace of mind. The surroundings must have lighting and security indicators. The hall or the venue must be well-ventilated.

Carefully finalize the date and time.

After you have completed all the steps above, carefully fix the date and the time that will be included in the invitation cards. This is the critical stage. If you have not prepared well, do not finalize the date yet. Once the invitation cards are printed, you may not be able to revisit the date unless you reproduce and resend the invitation to the people. In this case, you will include the date and the time in your promotional and invitation materials with other necessary information. At times, you should consider the category of people you are expecting there, and consider the kinds of their work, as well as the schedules of their work before you fix and finalize the time and the date.

Carefully publicize the program.

Without publicity and invitations, you may not be likely to see people at your concert. The last step to take is how to make the program known to people and how to get the participants.  All these cannot be realized anyhow until you make them done. First, you will prepare a befitting invitation card and send invites to people and guests. Not only this, but there are other promotional materials you can use such as social media. For example, you can use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. in which you can let people know about the program. The email and WhatsApp lists are also important for publicizing the concert so that you will have the kind of people you are expecting. If you can also adopt marketing materials such as flyers, posters, banners, text messages, and so on, your venue will be bombarded and stormed with a lot of people.


We have discussed some ways and steps to take to organize beautiful and befitting Christian music concerts that will glorify God. The points explained above will work if we can practice them as expected and put them in.  I want you to be able to define your purpose known to people. This is very important and I believe that if they are properly put together and put in place, you will have a decent concert that will glorify God and bless the lives of people and invite unbelievers to God.

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