Meditation and memorization are two in one. Both keywords have to do with studying the Bible and examining more about facts and the mind of God concerning the Scripture. When you meditate and memorize the Scripture, you will be more inspired to know more and apply further the Word of God. In this article, we shall learn further about meditating and memorizing the Scripture.
Guide to Scripture Meditation
One of the best ways to make the Bible a part of your life is to meditate on it. Meditation is to think about the Word of God in such a way that the message in the Scripture meets a certain need in your life. Psalm shows the relationship between God’s blessings and meditation. They succeed in everything they do.”
When Joshua was sent to lead the children of Israel into a victorious battle, God promised him:: Be sure that the book of the Law is always read in your worship. Study it (meditate on it) day and night, and make sure that you obey everything written in it. Then, you will be prosperous and successful” (Joshua 1: 8).
You may do this meditation study in a section for a few minutes each day, studying one verse each week. You may prefer to choose a verse that you have been memorizing. Perhaps a key verse of a chapter or scripture you have studied in this article will be a good one on which to meditate. After you choose a verse, pray, claiming James 1: 5 for wisdom to apply the Word in your life. God has given us his Word so that he may instruct us in his ways. He wants us to obey it so that he may bless us. Keep a record in your exercise book of the verses on which you meditate.
Steps to help you meditate on a verse
- Read several verses before and after the verse you have chosen. Learn how the verse relates to the verses around it.
- Write the verse in your own words. Say it aloud.
- Emphasize the verse word-by-word, using this method: Say one word louder as you read it. For example, say 1 Thessalonians 5: 16 slowly: “Be joyful always, ”Then say, “Be JOYFUL always” and finally say, “Be joyful ALWAYS”. Continue until you have emphasized every word in the verse.
- Apply the verse. Let the Holy Spirit show you the truth in the verse that you need to act on. If there is a sin in your life, confess it. If you need to serve others in some way, do it. The Scripture comes alive in you as you understand it and make3 it a part of your life.
- Say the verse back to God in prayer. Make it personal: “Lord, you say that I should be joyful always. I find this hard to do. I thank you that I should be joyful even when I do not feel like it. I claim your power to power to know your joy in all conditions I face today.”
- Find other Scriptures verses that teach the same truth. Write these references in your exercise book. The Bible explains itself better than any other book can explain it.
- List any questions you have about the verse. Discuss your questions with another Christian friend.
- Ask yourself how you use the truth of the verse to help someone else. Hebrews 10: 24 reminds us that we ought to be concerned for one another. Write down something that you can do to act on the truth of the verse.
- Write down ideas, thoughts, or plans that have come to you in your meditation. Perhaps you discovered other verses on which you want to meditate. “Practice these things and devote yourself to them, so that your progress may be seen by all.” Read 1 Timothy 4: 15.
2. Memorization
Reasons for Memorizing Scripture
- God commands you to memorize his Word. Read Deuteronomy 6: 6; 11: 18 and Colossians 3: 16.
- Scripture memory helps you to tell others about Christ (a) You will always be ready to answer your faith. Read 1 Peter 3: 15 (b) The Holy Spirit can bring to mind the Word that is needed for any situation. Read 16: 13 (c) Understanding the Word will make you bold in your witness. Read Acts 4: 31.
- It provides you with a strong defense against temptation, sin, and Satan. How did Jesus die, Satan? Read Mathew 4: 4, 710. Satan has not changed. You must learn to follow Christ’s example by meeting temptation with God’s Word. How is the Word described in Ephesians 6: 17?
- The following verse tells you another reason for memorizing Scripture memory. Read it and write the fourth reason for Scripture memory. Psalm 119: 105
- The fifth reason is given in Psalm 119: 48. Read it with a humble heart and memorize it.
Practical Guiding for Memorizing
- Choose a verse that speaks to your needs or a verse from your Bible.
- Be sure you know the meaning of the verse.
- Find the verse in your Bible, and read the verses before and after it.
- Choose a subject word for each verse. This helps you to remember the verse (For example, choose HEAVEN for John 14: 3). The following are as follows (a) Learn the subject word (b) Learn the place where the verse is found (references), and Learn the verse and learn to say the reference again
- Learn the verse by breaking it into natural phrases (a) Repeat aloud many times from memory the subject word, reference, and first phrase. (b) Continue doing this, but add another phrase until the verse is complete. (c) Finally, repent many times memory in this order: subject, word, reference, verse.
- Make sure you learn each new verse well before you begin another one.
You should be careful to say the verse aloud to make someone as many times as you can. Do not take a shortcut. Though you may feel you know the verse in your mind, saying it to someone shows you the parts you need to study more.
- Place the written verse in a place where you can see it during the day. Or carry the verse in your pocket so that you can revise it while you walk or when you are waiting for someone.
- Advantages of learning the verse word-perfect. (a) It will be set in your memory. (b) It will be easier to revise.
- Remember! Scripture memory is hard work. Set a goal for the number of verses you will memorize each week. Do not try to learn too many so fast that you will confuse them.
- Determine the time when you should memorize your Scripture. (a) Memorize your verses when your mind is clear and rested. (Do not try to memorize when you are tired. You will forget quickly. (c) Experiment and find out which time of the day is the best for you. Every person is different.
- Read your Bible each day and ask the Holy Spirit to point out special verses to you. Make a list of these verses on a page in your exercise book.
- Revise, revise, revise: This is the most important secret of memory. You should raise a new verse at least once a day for six weeks. Revise the verse weekly for the next six weeks and then monthly for the rest of your life.
We have discussed nine steps to meditate on Mark 11: 24. Begin this week and let the Word of God become alive in you as you meditate on it. Also, we have explained the reasons for memorizing scripture and practical guides for memorizing scripture.