Worship must be unto God alone. Worship is making a sacrifice to the Supreme Being. Our God is the supreme God; there is no one beside Him. He created the whole universe and your life. Unfortunately, people find it difficult in the world of today to worship God alone. To them is too slow, God cannot be reached easily, these people value other things more than God and they say God’s demand is too burdensome. Given these, they decided to worship deities, wealth, property, jobs, and people.
To worship God alone is to make Him your first in all. Allow God to take an important place in your life. To worship God alone means to live your life for Him. To worship God alone is to fear and honor Him more than any other thing or people. The command clearly states “You shall have no other gods before me”, Having any other gods beside Him is called idolatry which is an abomination in God’s sight. Are there any gods that needed to be dethroned quickly so that you may give God His right place? Do you need to renew your commitment to Him alone? Your life should be a sacrifice of worship made for God alone.
Lesson: Worship is not your physical dressing but the heart dressing to meet God. The Choir of Nigerian Baptist Convention at Oke-Bola, Ibadan understands real worship and led the staff to the powerful worship. It is a nice time before God. It will be a good move to start this worship experience and finish it.
…proudly a Baptist
Worship God Alone
Read Exodus20:4-6
“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above on the earth beneath or in the waters below”Vs 4
On no account should man worship anything except God. God said it should not be in the form of anything or anywhere (vs 4). You must not bow down to them. Doing that is a way of handing over your life to them. It is a way of submitting your destiny and the given authority by God to them. In Luke 4:5-7, the devil wanted Jesus to worship him. He made unrealistic promises. The devil’s authority and promises are not real. He has no authority both in heaven and on earth. Only Jesus has that. You must not bow down to the devil.
There is punishment for those who set other gods beside God or who made for themselves any form of image to be worshipped. Read vs 5 again. It is not you alone that would be punished, your children even the fourth generation have to suffer for it. You can also enjoy God’s love if your love towards God is made known by your life of worship. The question is this who are you worshipping? Yahweh God or idols? Can you confess it that both you and your household, will worship the Lord?
Lesson: Real worship is not your baritone voice, but the inner voice that glorifies God. When the Nigerian Baptist Convention staff in amidst the worship, they are lost in the worship when the spirit of worship comes upon the staff like the Holy Spirit has come upon the disciples in the utmost room. You will enjoy your engagement of the real worship as you start and finish the video.
…practically a Baptist
At the Altar of Worship
Read Exodus 20:22-26
“Make an altar of earth for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, your sheep and goats and your cattle. Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you.”Vs 24
An altar is a place where sacrifices are made to God. It is a place where God is worshipped. God created man to worship Him which is the primary aim of your existence. The New Testament believers are not to make any sacrifice of sheep, goats, and cattle like the time of old. Romans 12:1 gives you how your sacrifice should be. Hear the first thing that your body is the altar, the temple where your living sacrifice should be made to God. Is your body holy? Is your body consecrated for God alone?
God should not be worshipped anywhere and anyhow. There is a laydown design. A life acceptable, special, and holy place is what God desires. Hear what God told the Israelites “If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dressed stones, for you will defile it… or your private parts may be exposed “vs 25-26. Defiling the altar of worship is by doing abominable things like sexual sin, lying, fighting, gossiping, etc.
Living a Life of Worship
Read Exodus 23:25-28
“Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water.I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.”Vs 25-26
The word worship as used by the NIV is transacted by the other version of the Bible to be service. Your service to God is compulsory. Living a life of service is not a wasted life. God demands that you should serve him alone. God is not looking for a divided loyalty, a life that would be committed to Him. Your service is an act of worship to God. It must not be polluted. God promised blessings for the Israelites were stated in the passage above and the same blessings are meant for you.
God will bless you with food and water. Meaning that with your life of service, you will not lack food to eat and water to drink. God will take away sicknesses from you. The removals of sicknesses are connected with your service to God. May sickness be far away from you? You will never experience miscarriage or be barren. This is a blessing of fruitfulness. God will give you a full life span. It has to do with irony life with fulfilment. Beloved you are blessed if your life is dedicated to God’s service. Please do not settle for any alternative.
Lesson: Display and stagger of your dance steps is not real worship, but the movement of your heart unto the Lord. Every member of the Nigerian Baptist Convention understands the secret of real worship, and they open their hearts to the Lord in worship. Let us join them as they round the worship section in their chapel.
…experimentally a Baptist
- God, make me understand real worship and practice it in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Almighty God, give me the garment of worship from today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
- Jesus, create the inner worship in me from today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
- My gracious Lord, deliver me through my worship with you in the name of Jesus Christ.
- My merciful God, heal me through my worship within the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
- God, let the power of worship be upon my life from today in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Almighty God, give the mouth of worship from this moment in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Lord, create the love of worship in me from today and forevermore, morning, afternoon, evening, and all the time in the special name of Jesus Christ.
- My Father, let my blessings be many through worship that cannot end from this moment in the name of Jesus Christ.
- My Father, let worship open heaven and a better way for and my family from this time in the special name of Jesus Christ.
- I worship you, God and I give glory to your holy name because you are Lord; you change not. May You only be glorified today in the name of Jesus Christ.