Praise Cantata is the use of vocal composition with musical instruments and dancing displays to praise God. The Cantata can happen in any event such as Christmas, Easter, Birthday, Coronation and many more events. The Easter Praise Cantata is displayed to feel the mercy and celebrate the hope we have through Jesus Christ. It is an unforgettable experience. The experience of how Jesus Christ suffered and rescued us from everlasting condemnation and how he showed mercy to us and gave us hope of eternal death. The Nigerian Baptist Convention Choir with the staff observed this event on the 21the of March, 2024. They celebrated the mercy and rescue of Jesus Christ for us. It is important to listen to the voice videos and patiently exhaust them. The visual videos may be added later. Then read the article below about the event/.
Dead, But Not Lost
Read Numbers 10:1-6,10, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
It is in this sense of gladness for the Church of Jesus Christ that this last trumpet will be blown. Can there be any more joyous event than this, when the dead in Christ shall be raised incorruptible, and living believers shall be similarly changed? The Lord’s trumpet will call all believers, dead and living, to join Him in possessing a glorious resurrection body.
The only challenge here is for every one of us to take our commitment to Christ seriously and help our loved ones in every way we can, to draw closer to God. There is the hope of resurrection for those who belong to God, live for Him and die in His will. Those who believe and trust in God have nothing to fear. Christians should always be glad for such an assurance. Christians’ death is an opportunity for their glorification; there is no need to grieve.
Prayer: Lord, help us to understand your eternal purpose for our transition (death) and respond wisely in the name of Jesus Christ. I will not live on this earth to destroy heaven in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
As long as there are wars to fight, there must be an army and a victory is to be won. The chief commander provides strategies for victory based on expertise. He is expected to lead the war for the love of his nation. While the war lasts, the commander is in complete charge of all that happens at the war front. The glory of victory also belongs to him. Indeed, there is one form of war or the other everywhere in the world today. War between righteousness and evil, good and bad, holy and unholy.
The text today, reveals Jesus Christ as the great commander who has been conferred with power to destroy dominion, authority, power, sin and death; the enemies of God. Victory over all that is opposed to righteousness is only won through Jesus Christ, under whose feet they must all be brought. After they are defeated, Christ will hand over power to God so that God will be all in all. As children of God, we must surrender our lives and all that we are to Christ, so He can present us gloriously to the Father when He hands over everything to Him. Destruction of all authority, dominion and power by Jesus must precede handing over to God.
Prayer: I declare God’s judgment over every power that has held me captive in Jesus’ name. They will not have dominion over again from now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Indeed, He Arose
1 Corinthians 15:12-14,20-23
The tale was told of twins talking to each other in the womb. The sister said to the brother, “I believe there is life after birth.” Her brother protested saying, “This is a dark and cozy place. He insisted, “There must be something more than this dark place.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a testament to the power and purpose of God to give eternal life to everyone who approaches God through Jesus Christ. Christ was raised from the dead and was lifted to heaven to show what God will do for all those who accept Him. Everyone truly having the hope of resurrection must consciously yield him/herself to the control of the Spirit which raised Christ from the dead.
Prayer: Lord, help me to live my life always in the reality of resurrection in the special name of Jesus Christ. The death of Jesus Christ will not be I vain in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
The Mystery of Resurrection
Read 1 Corinthians 15:53.
A Professor of Biology made it his custom to stand before his students holding up a little seed between his thumb and forefinger. He had spent his whole life studying the beginning of life, and he acknowledged to his students that it was still a mystery to him. He said: “I know exactly what this seed consists of in the exact proportions of water, carbon, and other elements. I can mix these individual elements and make a seed that will look exactly like this one. The life you now possess which causes your body to function and renew itself continually, and not collapse into a putrefying mass, is also a mystery.
He, therefore, who in the beginning created our present corruptible bodies, will also create a new incorruptible body which we shall carry in eternity. Let God’s Spirit rule your life here and you will be raised to enjoy an imperishable life in heaven. The resurrection of Christ guarantees our own lives.
Prayer: Lord, let the resurrection power bring to life everything the enemy has killed in me in the name of Jesus Christ. All the sicknesses and diseases have been washed away by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Faith in the Risen Christ
Read Mark 16:1.
Someone says,’ The resurrection of Christ is the bedrock of hope for Christians.’ He added that ‘faith is that which is most important and necessary in the life of every person.’
Early in the morning after the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome went to the tomb of Jesus to anoint his body with spices. As they journeyed, they asked one another who would help them roll away the stone. From afar, they saw that the stone had been rolled away. So, they entered but met the tomb empty. Meanwhile, a young in white sat on the right side of the tomb. Startled by his appearance, the women were calmed by the man. He told them that Jesus had risen and that they should tell His disciples to meet Him in Galilee. They left afraid, not talking to one another.
Jesus is risen, and that is the hope of our faith. The resurrection of Jesus confirms that He is alive. Hence, you should not doubt the resurrection story. Reaffirm your faith in Christ because He kept His promise. You should also share the good news with people around you. That is one way to put your faith into action. Faith in the risen Lord is the foundation of the Christian faith.
Prayer: O Lord, help my faith to remain unwavering in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. My faith in You will not fail me and my family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ