The concept of Peace can be seen in different ways. It depends on how each individual sees it. One can define peace as the absence of violence for the person who has been experiencing quietness. Another can define peace as a lack of hostility and hatred if the person has not been hated by anyone. Peace can also be seen as harmony and friendships which peace brings. In society, peace is regarded as the absence of conflicts, fear, riot, and noise between individuals and groups. Conflicts can occur in different forms. But when peace comes, conflicts will vanish. There is peace of mind, emotional peace (expression of peace in different ways), societal peace (peace between an individual and a group of people), and psychological peace (peace requires logical and critical thinking). This prayer points post will add value to the research about peace. Also, the prayers will speak peace to your life.
Prayer Point 1
Father, I prophesy that as you live in peace, the peace of the Lord will not end in your life, your family, and everything that concerns you in the name of Jesus. The Lord of peace will command peace into your life in the name of Jesus. 2 Chronicles 13: 11; Romans 12: 18; Hebrews 12: 14.
Prayer Point 2
Eternal Rocks of Ages, I prophesy to life. Every power-making o agent of violence, war, riot wherever you find yourself is annulled from today in the name of Jesus. I nullify the power of darkness that wants to destroy your life in the name of Jesus. Receive the anointing of peace from today in the name of Jesus. Further prayer 1 Peter 3: 11; Philippians 4: 6; Psalm 37: 37.
Prayer Point 3
Lord Jesus, make me an agent of peace wherever I find myself in the name of Jesus. Every power working against the peace of the Lord in my life shall be no more from today in the name of Jesus. I will not be a product of peace breaker to my society in the name of Jesus. Psalm 4: 8.
Prayer Point 4
Almighty God, I prophesy peace to my life today and forevermore in the name of Jesus. I have learned to put everything in your words into practice. Father, give me grace from now on to learn more and do your will so that the peace of the Lord can be sufficient for me in the name of Jesus. Philippians 4: 9; 1 Thessalonians 5: 23.
Prayer Point 5
Heavenly Father, plant the seed of peace in my heart from today in the name of Jesus. Let the peace of Christ rule in my heart from today in the name of Jesus. I will not constitute a nuisance in society in the name of Jesus. Colossians 3: 15.
Prayer Point 6
Lord Jesus, I prophesy Christ peace to my life today and forevermore in the name of Jesus. Silence the evil agents working against living in peace in my life today and forevermore in the name of Jesus. Speak the peace to my life and the life of my family members in the name of Jesus. Read Romans 5: 1.
Prayer Point 7
My Father, make me a peacemaker, and not a peace breaker from today in the name of Jesus. Make me your child forever in the name of Jesus. Bless me and make me a blessing in the name of Jesus. Mathew 5:
Prayer Point 8
Prince of peace, I pray I receive the grace of peace from you from now on in the name of Jesus. Silence the power that causing war and violence in me in the name of Jesus. Speak the peace into my heart, life, family members, and our nation in the name of Jesus. James 2: 14-24. 9; Psalm 29: 11.
Prayer Point 9
Father, I believe now that you brought peace into the world. Let there be peace in my life in the name of Jesus. Let there be peace in our community and nation in the mighty name of Jesus. Cease the storm of violence in my life and family and my nation in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 26: 12.
Prayer Point 10
Lord Jesus, fight all troubles and worries that are causing me heads in the name of Jesus. Let the storms and winds of my life be silenced from today in the name of Jesus. I prophesy that I should not die in a troubled and worried heart in the name of Jesus. James 2: 14: 24.
Prayer Point 11
Eternal Rock of Ages, I prophesy that Satan will not steal my peace in the name of Jesus. The peace of my family and my nation will be restored from today in the name of Jesus. My job, business, career, body system, and life, receive peace in the name of Jesus. John 16: 33; Romans 15: 13; Romans 14: 17-19.
Prayer Point 12
Oh God, You are the God of peace; command peace into my heart in the name of Jesus. From now on, silence every storm and trouble in my heart in the name of Jesus Christ. I said that I would not be an agent of violence and riot in my communities in the name of Jesus. 1 Corinthians 14: 33.
Prayer Point 12
Lord Jesus, dry up all troubles and worries of my life from today in the name of Jesus. I shall die in the afflictions and troubles in the name of Jesus. Let my life, my family, my job, my career, my business, and my spiritual, receive peace from today in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 55: 12.
Prayer Point 13
Oh Lord, give me the mind of true evangelism and mission. Teach me to understand the power of relationships and friendships. Let me maintain the quality of peace in the process of winning souls and getting people to you in the name of Jesus. Ephesians 6: 15.
Prayer Point 14
Gracious Father, give me the grace to maintain peace wherever I find myself, in the home, in the office, in the business, in the church, and in other places I found myself, Let me be an agent of peace in the name of Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5: 15; 1 Peter 39: 11.
Prayer Point 15
Almighty God, help me to sow the seed of peace in the name of Jesus. I want to reap the righteousness Oh God, help me to be a peacemaker that will raise righteousness at the end of the day in 5the name of Jesus. James 3: 18.
Prayer Point 16
Gracious Father, help me to promote peace wherever I find myself in the name of Jesus. Give me the grace to be a peace advocate In my home, in your family, in your church, in your office, in your business, in your school, in your career, and others in the name of Jesus. Proverbs 12: 20.
Prayer Point 17
Almighty God, let your promises of peace manifest in my life from today in the name of Jesus. By your promises speak true peace into my life. Family and our nation in the name of Jesus. Let your peace reign in my life and our nation in the name of Jesus. Psalm 85: 8.
Prayer Point 18
O Lord, help me to keep your commandments in the name of Jesus. From now on, let your peace reign in my life and everything that concerns me. Let all members of my church and family know and do the will of God so that they can have peace in all ways. Let this nation know and do the will of God so that they can have peace in all ways. Psalm 119: 165.
Prayer Point 19
My God, let there be peace in my community and nation in the name of Jesus. I need progress and development in this nation and the world generally, let there be peace so that the development we are looking forward to shall come in the name of Jesus. Put an end to violence, riot, and rivalry in this nation and world in the name of Jesus. Ephesians 4: 3.
Prayer resources about Peace have been written here through the leading of the Holy Spirit to enlighten you more on the need for peace in our lives, in our families, in our churches, in our communities, in our societies, in our nations, and the world. Also, these prevailing prayers will speak peace to your life if you can pray them seriously with the Bible verses.