Grayscale Photo Of The Crucifix

Jesus’ death was a result of His crucifixion on the cross. Crucifixion is death by nailing or tying hands and feet to a wooden beam ad leaving the person to die by fatigue or suffocation. The death of Jesus culminates in the final punishment for sin. By His death which was once and for all. The message will explain the burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.

The Death and Burial of Jesus Christ

After the death of Jesus, Joseph from Arimathea went to Pilate to ask for Jesus’ body. Thereafter, Joseph rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb to safeguard it. (Mathew 27: 57-61)The event took place in the presence of Mary Magdalene and the other Mary.

Significance of Jesus’ Death and Burial

The following are the significance of His death and burial.

The death of Jesus was God’s divine plan to save humanity: The fallen nature of Man was not redeemable. It is the death of Jesus that saves and gives us hope.

Jesus’ death is a sacrifice for sin: Jesus substituted His life for ours so that we can be saved. Jesus Christ has paid the ultimate sacrifice with His life. He received on Himself the punishment that we rightly deserve to receive for our sins (2 Corinthians 5: 21).

The death of Jesus is to redeem us from the curse of sin and death: Jesus’ death releases us from the slavery brought by the curse of the law. Although we were once enslaved by sin, the death of Jesus brought liberation to humankind (Galatians 3: 13).

Death of Jesus is an expression of God’s love for humankind: It was out of love that Jesus Christ died to redeem the world from death, the condemnation of sin. However, out of the abundance of the love of God for humankind, God sacrificed His only son for sinners. Romans 5: 7-8 testifies to this. Thus, in Jesus Christ, God’s love was fully expressed and sinners had forgiveness for their sins (John 3: 16-17).

Jesus’ death reveals the depth of man’s cruelty: The death of Jesus Christ exposes the cruelty of a man’s heart. However, it is only those who accept Him that can be saved (Jeremiah 17: 9).

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb very early in the morning. Before the tie of their visit, there was a violent earthquake. His appearance was like lightning ad his cloth was as white as snow. The guards at the tomb, on sighting the angel, became afraid and were like dead men.

On hearing the news, the women were joyous and they hurried to inform the disciples as instructed by the angels. Jesus met them and greeted them on the way. When they heard His voice, the women immediately bowed down and worshipped Him. Jesus further calmed their fears and instructed them to tell his disciples to meet Him in Galilee (Mathew 28: 1-10).

Significance of Jesus’ Resurrection

The following are the significance of the resurrection of Jesus.

The resurrection is one of the major pieces of evidence that Jesus Christ is the Son of God: Jesus promised before his death that He would rise again. His promise came to pass because He was raised by the power of God, as a confirmation that He is the Son of God (Romans 1: 4).

Jesus’ resurrection assures believers of forgiveness of sins: One of the missions of Jesus on earth was to reconcile the world to God. He fulfills the mission through death and resurrection. By that once-for-all atonement, we have the assurance of forgiveness (1 Corinthians 15: 1).

The resurrection gives credence to the fact that Christians serve the living God: o other world’s religious leaders who died resurrected. The likes of Islam, Buddhism, and other religious leaders did not assure their followers of life after death. Only Jesus gives hope of resurrection after death to His disciples (Revelation 1: 17-18).

Jesus’ resurrection proves that physical death is not the termination of human existence: Christ’s triumph over the grave is an assurance to believers that they too shall be raised.  Read for further information (1 Corinthians 15: 20, 23).

Christ’s resurrection assures believers of victory over all life’s challenges: Jesus overcame all the suffering. He endured even to the cross. Nothing could stop Him from resurrecting. And so, believers have the hope of triumphing over all life’s situations. We should hold o to God’s promises and stand firm in the faith so that we can enjoy the victory Jesus has won for us (Revelation 12: 11).

The Ascension of Jesus Christ

After the disciples met with Jesus, they inquired from Him when He would restore the Kingdom to Israel. Jesus informed them that they would not know the times and dates God chose. Read further in (Acts 1: 6-12).

Significance of Jesus’ ascension

The following are the significance of ascension.

It results in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit: Before Jesus’ death. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit gave the believers the power to be a witness for Christ (John 16: 7).

It results in the outpouring of spiritual gifts: The ascension of Jesus to heaven allows believers to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts were to believers for the edification of the body of Christ (Ephesians 16: 7-12).

It creates in believers the desire for Christ’s return: The ascension creates a longing for Jesus’ return. It reminds us that Christ’s reign is certain but that will be complete upon His return. Though presently, seated at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven (Hebrews 1: 3), Jesus will return to earth to take believers to heaven, where they will eternally reign with Him.


In this message, we have taken time to study the significance of Jesus’ trial, suffering, crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. All the pain associated with Jesus’ trial, suffering, crucifixion, and burial are reflections of what believers go through in this world. Some Christians are often unjustly tried and punished for offenses they never committed. However, Jesus’ victory guarantees our hope and freedom from sin and Satan. We are encouraged, therefore, to put our trust in Jesus. He is the only one through whose victory we can overcome the challenges of life.

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