Every Christian has one or more spiritual gifts. It is the Holy Spirit that gives a variety of gifts to the members of the church, which is the Body of Christ. Paul wrote in I Corinthians in response to a loss of unity and fellowship in the church of Corinth. That is the major purpose of spiritual gifts. Below are nine (9) spiritual gifts that have been discussed.
1. The gift of kindness and mercy
Romans 12: 8 spoke about the gift of mercy. The gift leads a person to feel kind or good for other people in hardships, uneasiness, distress, or suffering and the situation when they can’t help themselves. The person who has this gift will always desire to help other people. He or she will be involved personally in meeting the needs of other people. In Luke 10: 30-33, the parable of the Good Samaritan demonstrated kindness and mercy on the wounded and helped them.
How do you know that you have this spiritual gift?
You have the gift of mercy and kindness:
- If you are sensitive to the needs of others in distress and you have a special desire to meet their needs.
- If you strongly relate to people in difficulty avoid using words that will distress them.
- If you are caring for the sick, the poor, and the oppressed.
- If you have a special desire to remove suffering and show God’s love to bring peace to them.
2. The Gift of Wisdom
This gift is stated in I Corinthians 12: 8. The gift is the ability to apply God’s truth feasibly and realistically. The gift of wisdom is only based on a practical application to specific needs. We can still experience the Wisdom of Solomon in II King 3: 16-28 as a good gift of wisdom.
How do you know that you have this spiritual gift?
You have the gift of wisdom:
- If you have a special ability to proffer practical solutions to problems of other people and the church.
- If you can soothe the tensions of a group when facing difficult situations.
- If you desire to give people practical advice to help solve their problems and, even make clear the problems that face groups and individuals.
3. The Gift of Knowledge
You can realize this gift in the book of I Corinthians 12: 8. When you can find, understand, and share the information that helps the life and the growth of the Church, it means that you have the gift of knowledge. For example, a person with this gift will have a special ability and desire to study and know the truths of God.
How do you know that you have this spiritual gift?
You have the gift of knowledge:
- If you are comfortable spending hours alone to study and discover needed information.
- If you can store and retain huge amounts of information and relate the truths of God to specific situations.
- If you have a special ability to understand the relationship between one spiritual truth and another you can also recognize truths that are useful to the well-being of the church.
4. The Gift of Prophecy
This gift is also called speaking in God’s message. The gift of prophecy is found in I Corinthians 12: 10; 28-29; Romans 12: 6 and Ephesians 4: 11. The gift of prophecy is known when a person has a special ability to receive a message from God and then communicate that message to others through divinely inspired utterances. This gift is particularly useful for evangelism and spiritual growth. Paul in Galatians says that Jesus Christ is the source of prophecy.
How do you know that you have this spiritual gift?
You have the gift of prophecy:
- If you can speak the Word of God effectively and the mind of God sincerely so that the Body of Christ is edified.
- If you are inspired by the Holy Spirit, your words can bring conviction and reveal a person’s need for God.
- If you practically and consistently have a life agreeing with the message you speak.
- If one can proclaim God’s truths that can beautify the reputation of the church and all parts of God’s work.
5. The Gift of Helping
This gift is also called “Serving”. It is listed in Romans 12: 7 and I Corinthians 12: 28. The gift of helping is the ability or desire to see the day-to-day needs of people’s lives and meet those needs. If, for example, food, medicine, and books are needed, the person who has the gift of helping will provide them. Dorcas in Acts 9: 36 was a good example who demonstrated the gift of helping.
How do you know that you have this spiritual gift?
You have the gift of helping:
- If you can meet the physical and spiritual needs of other people.
- If you can take quick action to help others personally rather than get someone else to do it.
- If you always enjoy serving other people to exercise their spiritual gifts.
- If you think more about the well-being and affairs of other people than that of yourselves.
- If you believe that if you help other people, you help yourself.
6. The Gift of Teaching
The gift of teaching is the ability to study God’s word and be able to share the truths. The truths must be necessary to the health and service of the church. The gift is listed in Romans 12: 7; I Corinthians 12: 28 and Ephesians 4: 11. The gift helps to win souls and improves the spiritual depth and physical elevation of the people.
How do you know that you have this spiritual gift?
You have the gift of teaching:
- If you are committed to sharing the truth and relevance of the Bible.
- If you are willing to study and prepare for teaching, then insist on testing new information about the Bible.
- If you can explain and apply truths in such a way that other people learn better.
- If you desire to present truth in an orderly sequence and stand for it even when people oppose you.
7. The Gift of Encouraging
This gift is also known as “exhortation”. It is the special ability to comfort other people and motivate them to do the right things or lead them to the right living. The gift can be traced to Romans 12: 8. It has the attributes of encouraging, counseling, and motivating other people. Paul in I Thessalonians 2: 11-12 used this gift to comfort and exhort people.
How do you know that you have this spiritual gift?
You have the gift of encouraging:
- If you can help people see the right actions and attitudes concerning their needs.
- If you have the skill to bring harmony among Christians who have different opinions and you enjoy serving as a counselor.
- If you enjoy talking to people and have a strong desire to explain truth with logical reasoning make it accepted.
- If you feel you must warn those who are being disobedient to their faith and how to put them on the right way.
- If you have the skill to encourage those who are discouraged.
8. The Gift of Giving
The gift of giving is also known as the gift of sharing. It is the ability and desire to give material things cheerfully and sacrificially to others and the work of God. It is listed in Romans 12: 8. In Acts 4: 34-35, believers demonstrated the gift of giving.
How do you know that you have this spiritual gift?
You have the gift of giving:
- If you are motivated to give as the Lord prompts me more than by man’s appeal.
- If you are satisfied to support other people in their service to the Lord.
- If you have a desire to give generously to worthwhile projects without being noticed.
- If you are willing to do without things you want you can give more to other people.
- If you have a strong sense of stewardship based on the recognition of God’s ownership of all things.
9. The Gift of Leadership
This gift is also known as administration. It is listed in Romans 12: 8 and I Corinthians 12: 28. It is the ability to set goals according to the will of God and to motivate other people to try and achieve those goals. In I Timothy 5: 17, Paul talked about the ability gift that elders must have is administration.
How do you know that you have this spiritual gift?
You have the gift of administration:
- If you can see the potential for service in other people and motivate them to action.
- If you can lead people to work together in harmony to accomplish goals for the glory of God.
- If you can understand the situation as a whole and see what is needed.
- If you can organize a group to complete a goal.
- If you are afraid to face criticism or negative responses while working toward a goal.
- If you know when to give responsibility to other people to achieve a goal.
The spiritual gifts have not been exhausted. There are still nine (9) more. These other nine (9) spirituals solve the issues of quarreling, divisions, ignorance, etc. in the church of God.