Angels are God’s servants. He sends them to deliver messages to people at certain times. They bear warnings, good news, encouragement, and the like. Specifically, God sent angels to people who were connected to the birth of Jesus Christ. The focus for the week is to enlighten Christ’s disciples about angelic visits to Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, and to encourage us to appreciate the lessons in the visits.
Angelic Visit to Mary
Angel Gabriel was sent to Mary, a virgin who was betrothed to Joseph. She was surprised at the visit, but the angel calmed her, telling her how favored she was with God. He told her that she would conceive a child who would be the Saviour of the world. On hearing the message, she was surprised and she inquired how the things she was told would come to pass.
She was assured that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and she would conceive by his power. The angel further told her that her cousin, Elizabeth was in her sixth month of pregnancy because nothing is impossible with God, Mary accepted to fulfill the prophecy.
Mary did not doubt the message of the angel; she was just concerned about how came to pass. Sometimes, we can ask questions that would have clarity on anything He says, but we should not. God, we must acknowledge that we are instruments in His Word.
As disciples, we should be available for God’s use. Nothing brings fulfillment than being used by God to fulfill His purpose.
Angelic Visit to Joseph
God fulfilled His word when Mary became pregnant. After a while, Joseph discovered she was pregnant and he decided to get pregnant before her secretly. Culturally, it is shameful for a lady to pregnant before being married. While Joseph was considering divorcing her, an angel of the Lord appeared to him, instructing him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife because she was pregnant with the Holy Spirit.
He was told to give the child the name Jesus because he would save the people from sin. Joseph obeyed the angel and he fathered Jesus. There are times when believers are confused about what to do in difficult situations. At such times, we should not rely on our wisdom but ask God for direction.
Joseph was a righteous man and that helped him to be sensitive to God’s message. God helped him to make the best decision to present Mary and the unborn child. The Holy Spirit is God’s messenger to us. He leads, teaches, and guides us in the best path for us. We should always be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God.
Angelic Visit to the Shepherds
The shepherds were also visited by an angel while they were watching their flocks at night. His appearance brought both glory and fear. The angel calmed them just as he did to Mary. He announced that he brought them good news which would cause the people to rejoice. The good news was that Jesus; the Saviour had been born in Bethlehem.
He further gave them a sign to confirm His birth. They would find a baby wrapped in a cloth and laid in a manger. After the angel’s announcement,’ there was… a multitude of the heavenly host praising God” and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men”(vv. 13-14). Immediately the angels left, the shepherds hurried to Bethlehem and found Jesus just as they were told. They spread the news of His birth, and everyone who heard it was amazed.
There are times when God interrupts our normal schedule with His purpose. While the shepherds went about their business, God decided to give them first-hand information about theaviour’s birth.
The news of Jesus’ birth was accompanied by celebration in heaven and on earth. The shepherds also became witnesses to the fulfillment of God’s message of love to the world. We have been called to spread the Good News to the world.
Appreciating the Angelic Announcement
Christ’s disciples appreciate the visitations of the angel to Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds as it shows that God can use the ordinary to achieve His purpose on earth. He used Mary, a young virgin, who was not yet married but betrothed to Joseph to birthPeopleJesus.Mary was not the only virgin at that time but she was favored by God.
She positions herself to receive God’s favor and the noble assignment. She said, ‘I am the Lord’sservant. May your word to me be fulfilled?’Every disciple must come to a point of accepting God’s will for their lives, even when that is difficult. Joseph accepted to Father Jesus as an act of obedience to God. He did not consider the shame of accepting a pregnant woman as a wife.
The pronouncement about the kind of child Jesus would have assured Joseph of God’s presence. He accepted to obey God rather than to stay with the culture of their time. Lastly, the shepherds were also included in the birth of Jesus. They became witnesses of His birth.
They found all the words of the angels true when they found the baby in a manger. They could not hold back the excitement as they started to share the good news.
Angels are significant in the Christmas story. They were messengers of good news. The birth of Jesus was not ordinary; it was the beginning of God’s redemptive plan for the salvation of the world. And the angels shared in the fulfillment of the prophecy concerning Jesus’ birth.
The presence of the heavenly host served as confirmation to the miraculous nature of Jesus’ conception and birth, and His mission to reconcile humanity to God.
Commitment to worship JesusChrist Alone
Angels are unique heavenly beings. They are ministering spirits sent by God to deliver messages to people. Throughout the scriptures, they run errands for God. In the Old Testament, they fought battle on behalf of Daniel, encouraged Gideon to be courageous, stopped Balaam from cursing the Israelites, and so on.
In the New Testament, an angel announced to Zechariah that his wife would give birth to the forerunner of Jesus; told Mary that an angel announced to Zechariah that his wife would give birth to Jesus she would give birth to Jesus, Gospel, and many others.
They were part of God’s plan. The charismas story is incomplete without mentioning the impact of angels in the birth of Jesus. As God’s messenger, they are created to serve us. (Hebrews 1: 14). .Christ’s disciples must however be careful not to see angels as gods.
Although they deliver God’s message, they should not be worshipped. We should emulate the people in the Christmas story, who willingly accepted God’s message but did not worship the angel that delivered the message.
Angels are powerful and appear only when they are sent on special assignments. Angelic visitations are significant to the Christmas story because Jesus was a fulfillment of prophecy. God included angels in the story of Jesus’ birth; their presence served as confirmation of the miraculous nature of Jesus’ conception and birth. The Christmas story fills us with excitement, hope, and joy brought only by the Saviour of the world.
Prayer: God Almighty, help us to always be conscious that You are the reference of our worship.