From the inception of the world after Cod had created man in His image. He had begun to make His principles, decrees and laws, even His judgment known to the human race. Since then mankind has always needed a mediator. The mediator will be a peacemaker between two parties whether in individuals or groups. Read Job,16:21. These days too, our mediator between God and mankind is Jesus Christ pleading for us before God.
God created Adam and Eve and put them in the garden of Eden but he commanded them not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil(Gen. 2:15-17). Our forefather flouted the order of God Almighty then. “He proclaimed a curse upon them and burnished them from the zone of comfort,” (Gen, 3:14-23). Hence there is a need for a mediator. Mankind needs a mediator these days who will speak in favour and peace to our life
Now, you may understand that the Lord gives us a new responsibility to share the message of reconciliation with the world. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. (2Cor. 5:18-19).
Hence, we have been made as a mediator, reconciliatory, go-between, peacemakers, and intercessors for the unsaved, believers, Churches, nations and the world at large. the deacons are the representatives of God in the churches they are chosen to be mediators and peacemakers. Those who will speak peace and act peace, not the person who will cause fight and violence in the church and the society at large.
Who is a Mediator?
A mediator is someone who intercedes or, a neutral third party that acts as an Intermediary between two or more. Parties in conflict to reach an acceptable resolution. (New Contemporary English Dictionary). In the Old Testament, Moses chose capable men from the people of Israel – men who serve as judges for the people at all times (Exo.18:20-22), These selected people stand as a go-between among the people and settle their disputes.
The Bible declares about our Lord Jesus Christ; “He is the mediator of the New Covariant using Death for the redemption of the transgression Under the first Covenant that those who are called may receive the promin of the eternal inheritance(Heb.9:15). The Lord Jesus Christ has always been interceding for us, and gave themselves only as ransom. (1Tim.2:5-6).
Likewise in the early Church, the first set of deacons were chosen to settle disputes among the creation (Jews.) (Act. 6:1-6).In That passage, the deacon stands as a mediator between the parties in conflict. He or she is someone who will make peace reign and settle disputes, not the person who will lead riot and physical combat in the society.
Responsibilities of a mediator
1. Peace Maker:-We have been chosen to resolve or to settle disputes in the church or our environment. Have you done that or been doing that? If the response is NO, you have not been what God want us to be or do. You should make peace.
2. Advocate:- An advocate is someone who publishes support or recommends a particular cause of policy. We are to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ as He has commanded us (Matt. 28: 18-20). This is calling for individual responsibility and not neglecting the fellowship is used to do. The Bible tells in Rom.10:14… can they hear without someone reaching out to them. So the responsibility lies on us to share the word with the unsaved people around us. Have you been an advocate in your church and environment at least? Work on it.
3. Intercessors:- Job said; oh that one might plead for a man with God(Job. 16:21) and the Bible say, again in (1Sam.2:25): If a man sin against another man God may mediate for him but if a man sin against the Lord, who will intercede for him. (NIV). Have you been part of the deacons or people interceding for others in your church and beyond?
“And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the Land, that I should not destroy it but I found none.” (Ezekiel 22:30). This is a clarion call to all of us to prayer and intercedes for that soul, for our friends, Church, Association, conference and convention and even including our nation, to change our situation and to turn things around. Examples of some Bible characters that stand in the gap
1. Abraham Interceded for the righteous one in Sodom and Lot and his household was saved from destruction (Gen. 18:20-32).
2. Moses:- He pleaded for the Israelite when God got angry with them(Exo. 32:8-14)..
3. Daniel:– He made supplication for the people of Judah for their return from Babylon(Daniel 9:2-17).
4. Nehemiah:-He hears about the reproach of Jerusalem and of theremin ants that are left of the captivity(Neh.1:1-4).
5. Our Lord Jesus Christ prayed for Peter so that Satan would not sift him (Luk. 22:31). Our Saviour is still interceding for us even at the right hand of God.
“Apostle Paul Admonished us that first of all supplication, prayer, intercession and giving of thanks be made for all men” (1 Tim. 2:1-2).
It is through faith that comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Rom. 10:17). That friend, colleague fellow or neighbour can be saved if we share the gospel with them.
Also, that situation can be changed, that problem can be solved, that mountain and hill can be lowered and the valley of life can be filled, policies and Laws can be amended in our favour if only we can pray and intercede for others, our churches and our nation, før God seek for such and we should not forget that the prayer of the righteous availed much (James. 5:16).
Thank you for listening and God bless you.
Read further the following Bible verses about mediator; Revelation 20: 11-15; John 17: 18-23; Galatians 3: 19; 1 Timothy 2: 4; Romans 5: 1; John 6: 32; Hebrews 12: 24; Hebrews 9: 15; John 3: 16; John 14: 6; Hebrews 8: 6; Romans 8: 34; 1 Timothy 2: 5.
This seminar was presented by Deacon Oluremin Mafikuyomi at the Emmanuel Association Deacons’ Meeting on the 18th of April, 2024 at The New Covenant Baptist Church, Aro-Meta, Ibadan: titled: “We are chosen to be a mediator”.