There are benefits of being published and conditions attached to publishing with us. It is important to read them very carefully and take notice of each of them.

Benefits of Being Published with Us

  • It is free of charge. Just send your article(s) or videos for review.
  • It is your intellectual property. You can refer to your work/ministrations at any time.
  • We help you to keep your work/ministrations for life. Your work can’t be lost in our custody.
  • You will impact more people and win more souls throughout the world.
  •  Large numbers of people can have access to your ministrations throughout the world.
  • People can easily access you and your ministrations on Google and social media platforms globally.

Conditions of Submissions

  • Your ministration paper( one article must be 1000 words and above)
  • Your write-ups must be 100% original. We don’t joke with this. Don’t send plagiarized works.
  • Even if you are to quote a scholar, it is important to provide the source or reference.
  • If it is a video, it must be accompanied with brief descriptions.
  • Your work may be edited or restructured to comply with our policies.
  • If the errors are too many, the work may be returned to you for thorough editing.

Send your work through the following emails or WhatsApp



  • +2347032737483